Welcome to my house! I can't believe that it has officially been one year since we packed up the Uhaul and drove it across country to Virginia! This whole year has been one crazy adventure filled with so much that is good! One of my favorite things about my life here is our home. I have had so much fun gathering and making pieces to ensure that this space is cozy and inviting. I want to share it with you! Here is a glimpse of two of our most used areas, the living room and the dining room!

A few of the pieces in this space, I have created and that labor makes them very special to me. The lamp behind the couch is made out of an old lawn sprinkler that I found at a thrift shop and had a clear vision for. I love the way it turned out. I have recently developed a sewing addiction and have made a few of the pillows scattered around, including the heart one and the black and white one. I love the painting above the buffet. I saw a similar one on Pinterest that was in a gorgeous white frame but since I had an extremely limited budget, I decided to paint a piece of wood white, tape off a border, and make my own!

Almost every piece of furniture in these spaces has been Craiglisted or thrifted and then revamped. The only thing I bought new was the leather arm chair that I am in love with. And even that I got at a deep discount from World Market. I hope you like these spaces and I am excited to continue to share my home with you.
What do you love about your home? I'd love to know.
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